Monday, August 15, 2011


i will learn from it,i just stayed positive!!! learn from experience. Its when you fall,then only will you learn..don't give up so easily...ever since those 2 incidents happened,doubts after doubts kept floating through my mind during the last few i even fit or suitable to be a nurse?? :'( last time when i was still a student,the staff nurse will take care of everything for me but now,its totally TOTALLY different. I have to be entirely responsible if anything goes wrong and it is not nice at all when seniors points out your mistakes or you get scolding by them. Thank God they are still willing to teach me. Although the mistakes i made are not life threatening but its certainly salary threatening all due to my carelessness and irresponsibility :(
But anyway,i'm gonna take all this as a challenge and also a chance to learn from it. After all,its only when u fall,then only will u grow. Yup,so i must take all this positively...i need to become better and better!!!

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